Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why do people run when they hear MLM or Network Marketing?

I don't get it, why do people want to run away when someone tries to introduce to them, MLM or Network Marketing? I am throwing that question at everyone that reads this and I would love to hear your comments. Now, I am just saying be introduced, I'm not saying quit your job and join a MLM'ing or Networking Marketing company tomorrow. I'm just curious, what is the turn-off just bringing it up for discussion.

Could it be lack of knowledge? Pyrimid Scheme? Amway? Can't be bothered? It's not a real job, what will people think? I'm not a salesman? My upline makes all the money? I'm happy with what I'm doing (and I'm sure 2-3% are). Or, its like a cult of some sort.

It's probably a little bit of all those and more but I'm going to tell you what I think the main reason is, and then please, cut me up, let me know what you think. Because I'm very curious what people think on this question.

Fear, and to break that down a little further, fear of failure, and fear of the unknown. Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion and will keep us all from doing all sorts of things we normally would do. Here's a fairly usual definition of fear, 'fear is to be afraid or frightened of, or to be uneasy or apprehensive about'.

For those who do not or have never owned their own business, ever asked yourself why. There is plenty of funding and grants in place for just about anyone to start a small buiness. Is it lack of education, is it lack of desire, or is it fear you will fail. I think we all know who the rich are...about 95% are business owners of some sort. That is undisputed, there are well-off salary employees, but the rich DO NOT work for someone else.
I think it's safe to say everyone would like to have more money. We know to make more money the best chance we all have is to own our own business. So why wouldn't 100% of the population at least try to own their own company. At least try? I'm not saying you have to succeed, but why wouldn't we all try? It can only be fear, can't it. No one can tell me we all go to school for 12-16 years to get out and work for a company down the street making 10, 20 or 30 dollars an hour. Didn't we all have bigger dreams. Did society get in the way and squash our dreams, or did we get in our own way and squash them ourselves. Did fear place us where we are. Stats say the majority of people are not doing what they want to, why?

So I was rambling a little bit there, but I think fear is a leading factor in people not taking a chance at something.

Am I crazy, or shouldn't we all own our business and prove society wrong and maybe prove ourselves wrong while we're at it.

Love your comments!!
Here's my site with more stuff!!

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